Friday, July 2, 2010

Haiku My Heart Friday

Black and white streaks by
Leaps, pounces, growls, spins, then barks
"Throw it again, Mom"

More haiku offerings can be found at Rebecca's place - go visit!


rebecca said...

love this shadow play across the white snow.
this mom love.

(i hope this appearance means your computer is behaving.)

thank you for haikuing my heart.

tami said...

so sweet - love the shadows!

is he your puppy?

Delphyne said...

Yes, Temi - Kylie is my border collie and she is lots of fun and has a very funny sense of humor....

christina said...

isn't he cute!!
and love for your haiku.
: )

christina said...

SHE, isn't she cute. bless her heart.
: )

Anonymous said... magical! as I sit in soft rain the garden.

Unknown said...

we have two border collies in my family - my sister has a girl named Tegan, and my Mom has Tegan's brother (his name is Trace) - they DO SOOOO LOVE the snow (when we have it) .... and balls and sticks and frisbees .... well, you nailed with "black and white streaks!"

paper-n-soul said...

Hahaha - so fun and playful.

turquoise cro said...

Such SWEET fun!!!

Deann LMFT said...

what a fun little cutie! Love the second line of your haiku:-) Full of spirit.

Abi said...

Cute doggy :O) we used to have a Border Collie... she was obsessed with rounding things up.. we should have got her some sheep really!

Sarah said...

Great picture! Kylie is sweet! Love the Haiku too!