Friday, August 6, 2010

Haiku my Heart Friday

Sultry steam bathing,
cool dressing on exposed flesh ~
Potato Salad!

I have no idea why I cannot write a serious haiku!  All that goes through my little brain on Thursday evening or Friday morning is silly stuff for haiku - today it's potato salad, because I made some yesterday and just had a small bite of it.  The haiku demanded to be exposed!

My recipe is simple and delicious - at least, I think so!  

Steam your favorite kind of potatoes - I used the small California whites, but have done this with small red potatoes or even Yukon golds.  Don't over steam them - you want the shape of the potato to hold up when mixed with the other goodies!  Of course, you can also boil the potatoes if you're more comfortable with that method - I just like steaming them.

After they're done to perfection, let them cool.  You can either skin them or leave the skins on, your choice.  I've done both.

Cut them into chunks, put into a big bowl and salt with Kosher salt, to taste.  Add all of the following to taste:  chopped celery, chopped fresh dill, chopped fresh Italian flat leaf parsley, freshly ground pepper, finely chopped or grated onion, good mayonnaise and a bit of apple cider vinegar.  Toss, chill and enjoy!

It's Haiku my Heart Friday!  For more haiku offerings, head on over to Rebecca's place and enjoy!

Top image is from Photobucket


Tammie Lee said...

yum yum
i like your haiku~

Anonymous said...

It's lunchtime and this potato salad sounds scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

I have an affair with potato salad so I see nothing strange about writing poetry to it. If it was socially acceptable, I would rip my clothes off and make love to it : )

Shelly said...

Haiku is awesome no matter what the subject. :)

Inannasstar, you shock me! hahahahaha! :D

Deann LMFT said...

How wonderful! A haiku about potato salad and a recipe:-) you made me smile

Noelle Clearwater said...

Looks good to me too. It is one of my favorite things to eat, unfortunately. Nice to see your blog!
Noelle Renee

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Who says haiku needs to be serious?
Sometimes the best is quite delirious!

rebecca said...

i adore you.
every bite full!
