Friday, June 25, 2010

Haiku My Heart Friday

Muchos besos means
rolling in the hay somewhere
A loose translation.

More haiku offerings can be found here.
Image is Klimt's The Kiss.


deb did it said...

thanks for stopping by my blog...NICE TO HAIKU YOU! what a lovely, sexy haiku! Love it!

rebecca said...

you do haiku!
"loose indeed"! (buns intended)

now to cast the haiku net out
and gather more simplicity.

thanks for being here,
haikuing my heart.

Sarah said...

YOur Haiku made me smile!

tami said...

oh, this made me SMILE!! What a clever haiku and love the image!

jabblog said...

I love the painting and your words really bring it to life ;-) Excellent!

Unknown said...

ha! too fun!

maryt/theteach said...

Delphyne, funny, marvelous haiku! I love Klimt's Kiss! You've done an incredible job! :)

Spadoman said...

I love the romantic nature of this.


awitchtrying said...

Great haiku! Me gusta Espanol!! Gracias!!

rebecca said...

oh my. i am making the rounds and thanking everyone for their wonderful haiku...and out of the corner of my eye i see mine...
buns intended. i am laughing so hard as i meant puns, not buns. how rather Freudian!

thank you so much dear friend.

you have brought me joy today.

Deann LMFT said...

very sweet- romantic & fits so nicely with the image!

Shelly said...

What a fabulous haiku! Love it!

Uma said...

Oh this is so beautiful and so different.

Anonymous said...

ha! great Haiku here!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Oh, this is hilarious! Why didn't I see this last week? Ah, well, I've seen it now, and I'm still laughing!