Thursday, July 22, 2010

Haiku My Heart Friday

Morning symphony...
Robin, Cardinal ~ then, Jay.
Mockingbird solo!

These birds are just amazing!  There is one who sits on the antenna across the street and sings. SINGS!  At just about 4 pm daily - every song. The entire repertoire.  So beautiful.  So amazing.  How can this be improved?

It's Haiku My Heart Friday - again!  I hope it is a great one for all of you!  

To see more offerings of Haiku My Heart, go on over to Rebecca's place and check out what everyone is haiku-ing!

In the meantime, I'll try to find the picture that goes with Haiku My Heart Friday.


I know it's here somewhere!!

Image from Cornell's wonderful site about birds.


rebecca said...

oh i LOVE this!!!

great word play surprise...truly lovely.

thank you for this wonderful offering.

Dianne said...


Abi said...

Oh lovely! I adore birds.. I'm a particular fan of Humming Birds :O)

Deann LMFT said...

I love this too. I used to live where I heard a lot of birds- not so many bird sounds here... just traffic :-(

Spadoman said...

I love the photograph, I love the Haiku and I love your description of the bird's song in the morning. I sit and listen to them daily here at Spadoville. I watch them out the window at the feeders.
Thanks, very nice indeed.


Jill K. Berry said...

I spent a week with a black capped chickadee out my window. It sang to me each night, and each morning, a clear and cheerful song. I wanted to bring him home with me. Birdsong is one of natures nicest gifts!

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely pic and haiku. I am surrounded by bird song starting in the early morning hours.

turquoise cro said...

Wonder Full Haiku!!! I often think, what if there were NO BIRDS! How silent our days would be! I LOVE every bird and their songs are GIFTS from GOD! Do YOU believe it? Blue Jays ran off my beloved crows! Crows are big cowards! hehe They still come in the evenings and I hear them CAW in the mornings! LOVE

Ms. Moon said...

Do you live next door to me? I get that same concert every morning! Lovely.

paper-n-soul said...

Ohh, lovely. Birdsong is one of the things that I love about where I live now. So clear and beautiful. There is joy in your words.


*jean* said...

really lovely! your haiku is perfect!

Meri said...

Spectacular haiku/photo. It makes me crow with delight!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Don’t I know that song?
Isn’t neighbor mockingbird
singing in my dreams?

Cobblestone Haiku