Wednesday, November 11, 2009

From the Mandala's Heart

I saw you looking at your chart with symbols and connecting lines.

You've seen them before and even thought you understood what it all meant. 

But you didn't. 

Only when you left all of your preconceived notions of how you were going to make "your" mandala was I able to materialize and show you what you were missing.  Only when you were quiet were you able to use your eyes and hands and listen with your Heart's intuition to my Heart's communique.

The Elements are what they are and using words to describe them doesn't let you experience them fully.  The mandala made with hands and eyes and no mind will give you the truest picture of me - which is a mirror of you.

Fire, Earth, Air, Water contained within the circle, which is contained within another circle, which is contained within another circle - you get the picture.  Contained, yet pulsating and expansive, merging into the other circles - individual yet part of a larger picture or body.

You once wrote a poem dedicated to and about Changing Woman - your words painted a picture.  Today, I'm changing the last line to read:   

all that I see is now who I am.

When you have no words, make a picture to find the words.

(One of the suggestions from Patricia was this:  I'd like you to "speak" to your mandalas. Write a brief letter or a poem telling them things, like if you were talking to somebody you just gave birth.  I wasn't sure what to write, so I let the Mandala write to me.)


Jasmine said...

I think I'm going to be working on mandala's for a long time to come :)

Delphyne said...

Me, too - I think making, dyeing and using felt will be a wonderful experience. xoxo

Jasmine said...

I have to make a felt mandala. I've een thinking of a mosaic style. Maybe of this picture I have already paited.

I didn't see your text whe I left the first comment, just the picture.

Why don't you ever show us your poetry? I want to read it x

Delphyne said...

You know, much of what I brought back from California is still stored, including the bits of poetry I have written. Unfortunately, some of it is on my old laptop - I never printed it off - not sure the computer even works!

Lost City Denise said...

Beautiful words!

A good lesson to always print a hard copy of those things that matter.

This past weekend I found a woman who leads a mandala & spirituality class. I told her I have a half finished mandala in the back page of my journal that I'm working on. We hit it off. The classes begin in January. I'll be there....

Delphyne said...

Hi, Denise! How fortunate to find that workshop. I hope you blog about it - I'd love to hear your experience with it. And, of course, see the mandala if you decide to share it...

lynne h said...

i found you here in blogworld! it's crazy but when i clicked on your little picture in the 'follow' thingie at my place, it didn't show a link to your blog...

your mandala speaks clearly for you, i feel. it has a VOICE and power. i look at it and am on a voyage to another place (depending on what part of the mandala i'm looking at). it's so free... it fits perfectly with what you wrote about Air people... i am very comfortable swirling around there... it's been interesting for me to look at how unsettling Fire people are to me, but not Air people. Air seems to touch me and i'm not afraid of it - it doesn't hurt . but Fire i feel can hurt.... there is so much more i want to explore with all of this.

i'm so happy to have 'met' you... i'll be back. : )



Delphyne said...

Oh, Lynne, I'm so glad you stopped by! I don't know why blogger doesn't show the link - it happens when I click on your image, too.

Thanks for commenting - I'm glad you feel comfortable looking at the mandala - there is a lot of Fire in it, but I think because I have a strong Earth element, it may make it easier for you since you are an Earth sign? Fire raging out of control hurts and destroys everything, including itself. But, tempered and steady, it can be a place of warmth and light.

I'm glad to have met you, too and hope to see you again! xoxo